Request for Facility Use
Pursuant to law and Board Policy groups requesting the use of school facilities under the Civic Center Act shall be charged an amount not exceeding direct costs determined in accordance with 5 CCR 14037-14041. Groups requesting use of school facilities or grounds for entertainment or meetings where admission is charged shall be charged fair rental value.Restrictions
School facilities or grounds shall not be used for any of the following activities:
Any use for the commission of any crime or any act prohibited by law.
Any use which is inconsistent with the use of the school facilities for school purposes or which interferes with the regular conduct of school or school work.
The possession, consumption, or sale or use of alcoholic beverages or any restricted substances, including the use of any tobacco-related products, is prohibited.
No food or beverages, other than bottled water, are allowed inside the gymnasiums or on the swimming pool deck. If you plan to provide food or drinks at your event, you are required to make sure the outside areas are cleared of all trash before you leave.