Title III and English Learner Program
Title III Program
Calipatria Unified School District receives funding to support students eligible for the English Learner Program under the federal Title III Program. The CUSD prioritizes the funding to support instructional services at two of the district school sites to address academic progress and increased English fluency acquisition.
Additional information may be requested by contacting Dr. Liliann Patterson, Assistant Superintendent at [email protected]
DELAC District English Learner Advisory Committee
The DELAC is responsible for advising the Calipatria Unified School District governing board on required federal and state accountability tasks including developing programs, goals, and objects for the English Learner Program, review and comment on the development and annual update of the LCAP, and advise and certify the consolidated application for federal funding.
District Lead Administrator for DELAC
Dr. Liliann Patterson, Assistant Superintendent
English Learner Student Data Requests
Request for student information regarding English Learner fluency results on the ELPAC
are requested by contacting Rene Pollard, District Testing Technician at [email protected]
EL Program Notifications and Reports